Black Falcon

Black Falcon
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Falconiformes
Family: Falconidae
Genus: Falco
Species: F. subniger
Binomial name
Falco subniger
Gray, 1843

The Black Falcon (Falco subniger) is a medium-large falcon that lives only in Australia. It is mainly found in open grasslands and woodlands in the semi arid inland parts of Australia. First year falcons are a dark black in colour fading to browner black in successive years. It is fast flying for its size with tapering, pointed wings.

The females are usually around 55 cm (22 in) from beak to tail, the smaller males being only 45 cm (18 in). The sexes are very similar apart from their size. They are comparatively lighter in build than Peregrines with a slightly wider wingspan and longer legs. They are more agile on the ground than Peregrines though less so than Brown Falcons.

Its relationships are enigmatic, like with many falcons. It might be an early offshoot of the Old World hierofalcons such as the Saker Falcon. (Wink et al. 2004)

The Black Falcon's prey is mainly birds, such as quail, various parrot species, finches, magpies, crows, starlings etc. It often takes prey on the wing either in the stoop or stooping into a chase. It also eats ground-dwelling animals such as lizards, rabbits, rats, mice and small marsupials. It is well known as a pirate of other species of raptors such as Harriers, Kestrels and Kites. They will often hunt at the edges of bush fires for fleeing prey. Females have been observed killing Peregrine Tercels and vice versa in areas where the two species compete for food. The Black Falcon is one of the few falcons which have been observed eating carrion. Black Falcons are nomadic over most of their range usually following quail. Unlike new world Falcons Black Falcons do not aggressively defend their nests from predators. Their decrease in number can largely be attributed to predation of nestling falcons by introduced feral cats.
